DG Services Warwickshire

ISO certification specialists

  • We conduct a no-obligation site visit to discuss what you want to achieve by having ISO
  • We find out about your business
  • A variety of interest free payment options are offered
  • An estimated completion date is agreed
  • Payment terms and timescales are agreed
  • A draft manual is prepared off-site - This manual includes draft copies of all the policies and procedures needed to meet the requirements of your chosen standard(s)
  • Our consultant spends 5 days at your site
  • On days 1-4 the draft policies and procedures are edited to meet the exact needs of your business.
  • On day five the Stage 1 UKAS audit is conducted
  • You are ready to start benefitting from your chosen standard
  • You use the policies and procedures and create records
  • Approximately three weeks later Stage 2 of the UKAS Certification audit takes place
  • You are now ISO certified

For more information regarding our ISO, contact Dave or Julia at DG Services.
Call us now on 01789 414 221 or 07964 284 375.